Washington Township - 1779
Township CodeCalendar

11798 Buchanan Trail E., Waynesboro, PA 17268

Phone: (717) 762-3128

Fax: (717) 788-0372

Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Agricultural Security Area

If you wish to have your farm added to Washington Township’s Agricultural Security Area you may find the following information helpful.

Definition: A unit of 250 or more acres used for the agricultural production of crops, livestock, or livestock products under the ownership of one or more persons and under certain conditions.

If you are a homeowner and would like more information on creating an agricultural security area click on the links below:


Evaluation Sheets (to be completed by homeowner)

The following links are taken from the Pennsylvania Code Chapter 1381 Agricultural Security Area Program:

Agricultural Security Area Program Information- Subchapter A

Agricultural Security Area Program Information- Subchapter B

Agricultural Security Area Program Information- Subchapters C,D,E

Current Applications

Click on the links below to view the applications.

Waynesboro Fish and Game Protective Association, Inc. Letter of Application

Waynesboro Fish and Game Application – 12 Acres at 10205 and 10209 Fish and Game Road