Washington Township - 1779
Township CodeCalendar

11798 Buchanan Trail E., Waynesboro, PA 17268

Phone: (717) 762-3128

Fax: (717) 788-0372

Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Board of Supervisors



Charles Strausbaugh – Chairman – cstrausbaugh@pa.net
C. Stewart McCleaf –
Vice Chairman – stewartmccleaf41@gmail.com

Ted Snowberger – Supervisor – supervisorsnowberger@gmail.com

Barbara A. McCracken – Supervisor
– barbaraamccracken@comcast.net
Scott StineSupervisor – sstine1959@gmail.com
Vernon Ashway –  Township Manager vla@washtwp-franklin.org
Karen Hargrave – Township Secretary & Treasurer – ksh@washtwp-franklin.org
Chad ReichardPlanning and Zoning Officer – cgr@washtwp-franklin.org

Zachary Mills – Township Solicitor

Martin & Martin – Engineers

The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of Washington Township. Board members are elected 
officials and are elected to staggered six (6) year terms. Board members combine legislative and executive
roles as they both enact the township ordinances and are responsible for the administration of the township
government. The supervisors derive their authority from the

Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code available for reference on-line.

Regular Supervisor Meetings are held on the first Mondays of the month (in the event of a holiday and a meeting falling on the same day please refer to the Washington Township Meeting Schedule for specific date.) and begin at 1:30 pm effective July 12, 2021. 

Planning Committee / Workshop Meetings are held on the second Monday (in the event of a holiday and a meeting falling on the same day please refer to the Washington Township Meeting Schedule for specific date.) and begin at 1:30 pm effective July 12, 2021. 

All Township Meetings are open to the public in the Washington Township Municipal Offices Meeting room located at 11798 Buchanan Trail East, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, 17268.

If you have business to be placed on the Washington Township Supervisors meeting agendas, you may contact the township staff at the Washington Township Municipal Offices, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 717-762-3128. All submitted agenda items must be at the Township office no later than 2:00 p.m. on the Friday before any Regular Supervisor Meeting or Planning Committee / Workshop Meeting.

Regular business and workshops are both official supervisor meetings. Workshops differ in that they are mostly devoted to in-depth presentations and relevant material review while regular business meetings pay invoices, award bids for both township purchases and sales and approve submitted zoning and subdivision applications. All supervisor meetings start with a Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag followed by an open forum for citizen comments from the floor.


Streets / Public Transportation - Stewart McCleaf & Scott Stine
Police / Drug Task Force - Barbara McCracken & Charlie Strausbaugh
WTMA / Utilities - Daniel Dedona & Barbara McCracken
Parks / Train - Charlie Strausbaugh & Barbara McCracken
Recycling / Transfer Station - Stewart McCleaf & Daniel Dedona
Equipment / Technology -  Stewart McCleaf & Scott Stine
Planning & Zoning - Scott Stine & Daniel Dedona
Emergency Management - Scott Stine & Daniel Dedona
Personnel - Scott Stine & Barbara McCracken

Economic Development - Charlie Strausbaugh & Daniel Dedona