Washington Township - 1779
Township CodeCalendar

11798 Buchanan Trail E., Waynesboro, PA 17268

Phone: (717) 762-3128

Fax: (717) 788-0372

Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Filing Zoning Complaints


Washington Township Supervisors have a new policy for submitting Zoning Complaints.
Every new Zoning Complaint has to be submitted in writing which can be done as follows:

1. By coming into our office to fill out a Zoning Complaint form
2. You can print the Zoning Complaint form by clicking here.  Then deliver in 
     person or mail to the office located at 

                                   11798 Buchanan Trail East, Waynesboro, PA 17268
3. You can send an email to zoningcomplaints@washtwp-franklin.org that 
     includes your name, address and phone number along with the complaint issue, 
     complaint address and any contact information. All of this is needed to help us 
     with resolving the issue.

Each complaint issue will be addressed and handled in a timely manner.